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02/05/2006: Brings back some interesting memories....
Of Media Girl's entry The few, the proud, the married, The Fixer at Main and Central has this to say: Makes an old vet chuckle.
As for me, it brings back memories of being a legal assistance officer at Naval Legal Service Office, Subic Bay, and being tasked to help present one of the topics in the day-long marriage seminar that the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Philippines [COMUSNAVPHIL] presented for Filipino nationals (mostly women; I can't remember there being any U.S. servicewomen getting engaged to Filipino guys while there, though I suppose anything is possible) who had become engaged to U.S. servicemembers there--attendance at such a seminar was a prerequisite for the servicemember to get permission from COMUSNAVPHIL to marry, and for the prospective bride to receive command sponsorship after the wedding.
Though, thankfully, my part in the entertainment didn't have to do with insuring years of connubial bliss between the parties. My part (well, most of it) consisted of giving the prospective Naval/Marine Corps wives a quick rundown on U.S. immigration law, and how it affected them, as well as a few other pertinent topics. Which is probably as well; with two failed marriages under my belt now, it's pretty clear that I'm a lousy candidate for teaching people how to get and stay married (other than by serving as a negative example: "Watch what I do, and then don't!!!!").
Len on 02.05.06 @ 10:37 AM CST