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02/03/2006: Um, Washington, we have a problem.....
This appears on Garry Trudeau's "Daily Dose" page at doonesbury.com today. If this is indicative of mainstream entertainment being produced in the Third World, it might be safely said that the United States has a bit of a public relations problem (spelled n-i-g-h-t-m-a-r-e) overseas:
In the most expensive Turkish movie ever made, American soldiers in Iraq crash a wedding and pump a little boy full of lead in front of his mother. They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison -- where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.Wonder how many Oscar nominations that one will get?[/sarcasm]
-- from AP story on Valley of the Wolves
Len on 02.03.06 @ 07:55 AM CST