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01/31/2006: Coulda fooled me....
Chasing a pointer from James Wolcott to Dennis the Peasant, I came across this, and I'm now afraid that I'm going to be seriously depressed for at least 24 hours:
Keep in mind that it was long ago proven beyond all doubt that Little Green Footballs (no link; I don't link to Pure Evil) is a moral cesspool frequented by the heirs to the Nuremberg defendants.
SOMEWHERE in my life's journey to my present status as an overeducated, underemployed (by some standards, at least, though that's by choice and I'm very happy with my choice, thanks) geek of little consequence (and very little brain, I'm sure some--even of my loyal readership--would argue), I remember being told that Education Is An Unalloyed Good--that it fosters such things as critical thought, that it undercuts such evils as rigid authoritarianism, groupthink, and prejudice (racial or religious).
If that's really true, then how the f*ck can it be that 68% of the slime that read LGF are "very educated"?
Something really doesn't add up here....
Len on 01.31.06 @ 07:51 AM CST