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01/29/2006: Proof that President Bush is out of his fucking mind....
[Let's leave aside for the moment that this assertion implies the dubious proposition that Dumbya ever had a mind to begin with....]
Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall gives us this startling news:
Sometimes the key to good politics (and good policy) is simply to say out loud what your opponents are saying amongst themselves. And that's just the case with these new health care proposals the president is set to unveil in his state of the union.Americans are over-insured?
I'll leave it to the good folks over at our new health care blog to get down into all the details. But the core premise of the policies the president is about to lay out is that Americans are over-insured when it comes to health insurance. Over-insured. Got too much insurance.
These aren't my words. These are the words used by the conservative policy-wonks who came up with the president's proposals. Just hop over to Google and start googling the phrase 'over insured' along with 'health' and 'conservative'. This what they think; and what the president thinks. It's why he's behind these ideas.
So the president thinks the problem is that people have too much health insurance. People are over-insured.
I don't think that's how most Americans see the problem, do you? I'm confident that they don't. Really confident.
But let's let them decide.
I'm now convinced beyond any doubt that Bush is drinking and using cocaine again. And there is no evidence that anyone can provide that is going to convince me otherwise.
Len on 01.29.06 @ 10:35 AM CST