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01/25/2006: Josh Marshall makes an excellent point
over at Talking Points Memo, and gives us a little-voiced reason why "Hillary '08" is a bad idea:
I see there are a lot of people around the web taking shots at Hillary Clinton, or more specifically at her probable presidential candidacy in 2008.
Though I wrote five years ago that I find the whole idea of a Hillary presidential bid wildly improbable, I say the following as an admirer and supporter of Sen. Clinton. (She's my senator now, after all.)
But here's a reason for not supporting her candidacy that I don't hear often enough: political dynasticism.
George H. W. Bush left office to be followed by two terms of Bill Clinton. He in turn was followed by two terms of Bush's son. If those two terms of the son are followed by the election of Clinton's wife, I don't see where that's a good thing for this country. It ceases to be a fluke and grows into a pattern. It's dynasticism.
Len on 01.25.06 @ 07:40 AM CST