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01/24/2006: For those of you who insist....
on being early adopters (even though being an early adopter of a Microsoft OS is, IMHO, the height of foolishness), here's a visual preview of the latest build of Windows Vista, the operating-system-formerly-known-as-Longhorn. The picture show is a feature of this article on building a Vista system today (that is, collecting the right components so your system will be ready to run Vista when it's released). Fred Langa, of the LangaList has addressed the same issue from the less geeky "buy your Vista ready system" (vice building it), if you're in the market for a new PC and wanting a Vista ready system.
As for me, I'll pass. I only very recently (within the last several months) got around to moving to Windows XP, and I'm a strong believer in the principle that one should never move to a new Microsoft OS until Service Pack 2 for that OS has been released. If past history is any basis for prognostication, I won't have to worry about Vista for another 3-4 years, minimum.
Len on 01.24.06 @ 07:07 PM CST