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01/24/2006: How things change....
Over at Cherry Blossom Special, EJ spearheads an initiative to get a little truth in labeling in the Memphis Media: Petition to Rename Our Newspaper "The Conservative Appeal".
I remember when my father used to, jokingly, call our local morning paper “The Comical Appeal”. Now that I’ve seen their recent handiwork, I’ve been outraged, like many progressives in Memphis, about the Commercial Appeal’s downward spiral into a conservative rag, frequently and openly portraying itself in a way that makes it unfit even to perforate and place on a roll for appropriate usage.Actually, I still refer to it as "The Comical Appeal".
But what I find really amusing..... Before I took my present job, I worked for the Memphis office of an IT consultancy headquartered in St. Louis. While there, one of my co-workers was an Oracle database administrator/technical instructor who, in a previous lifetime was a Memphis cop (he segued into the MPD's IT department, which is how he got his entree into the IT field), and he told me about how, when he was a beat cop, the Commercial Appeal was regularly referred to by the Memphis constabulary as "the Communist Appeal".
Len on 01.24.06 @ 12:54 PM CST