[« Karen beats me to it....] [From the "Unusual Snitches" department..... »]
01/17/2006: Just in case you don't have enough nightmares....
At Talking Points Memo, one of Josh Marshall's readers calls our attention to some sobering facts:
You know I'm one of your biggest fans, but I have to disagree with your early throat-clearing on the "Iran Question." Why? Because it really is not a question. That is how the GOP and the White House want it framed, and I'm afraid you are buying into that framing. The truth is much simpler: Iran will have the bomb if they want it. It's a done deal. There is no realistic military option. None. We're stretched too thin. There are no good sites to bomb that would insure we could deny them the bomb. Their program is too hidden and dispersed. It would be an endless campaign of bombing and lead to endless war and terror attacks on us. The question is not how to stop Iran. They will get it. The question is: Who lost Iran? How did it come to this? Who left us in the position? Who ignored the REAL threat? That's what the White House doesn't want you asking. Please don't become Joe Leiberman on this "Iran Question." There is no question. They will get the bomb and there's nothing we can do except learn to live with them and contain them, as we did the Soviets. [emphasis added --LRC]Iran as the next nuclear power.
Remember, you Bush voters: you only have yourselves to blame.
Len on 01.17.06 @ 08:27 AM CST