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01/15/2006: Apropos robotic animals....
I had to make a dash to CompUSA yesterday, and after getting what I needed, I was browsing in the games section for a bit, when I came face to face with Roboraptor:
While I'd been aware of Roboraptor and his compadres Robosapien (and check out Robosapien Version 2) and Robopet, for some reason it'd never occurred to me how big it was. I would have expected something about a foot or so long, tops. Roboraptor appears to be about 2.5 feet or so long from tip of nose to end of tail (to give you a basis for estimation, the price sign on the box is printed on a piece of letter sized paper).
Len on 01.15.06 @ 07:44 AM CST