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01/11/2006: The *Dahmer* Solution...
Today's Howler goes to Biobrain with this bit on how to sort out those "terrorists":"...The terrorists we're dealing with are as cunningly brilliant and mind-bogglingly stupid as we need them to be at any given moment. That's exactly what makes them so damn dangerous and why Bush needs the illegal powers he's grabbed to protect us. They’re cowering in caves at one minute, and scouring CNN and internet message-boards for pro-terror encouragement the next. They’re everywhere and nowhere at once, and might even be right behind you at this very moment. That’s who we’re up against, and the only way to defeat them is by using the most extreme measures known to man. And George Bush is the man willing to take us there.
Sure, these FISA courts of yours could provide the exact same protection that Bush has claimed his less-than-legal options have garnered; but what kind of message does that send the terrorists? When their chief opponent isn't even willing to break a few laws to defeat them? These people blow up buildings for entertainment; and our President can't even violate a lousy statute or two? They're laughing at us already. And if the terrorists are laughing, the terrorists have already won.
So rather than trying to stifle Bush with an America-hating impeachment or some other “legal” option, I say that we have to take this to the next level. As has been argued before, rather than just a violating a little illegal search action; I say that we have Bush get busy violating some real laws. Like say we film him doing a little drive-by action on the streets of DC. Nothing like a little gunplay to get a terrorist’s attention. And if we really want to shake them up, Bush could go Dahmer and just start eating people and raping their detached skulls; perhaps even on a reality TV show or something. They’d take one look at his crazy ass and just turn themselves in; knowing that our president was an ornery cuss they just didn’t want to mess with..."
The entire piece is worth a read through.
Karen on 01.11.06 @ 12:10 PM CST