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01/09/2006: Five Weird Things about Me
Angelica at Battlepanda has tagged me with the latest numerical blog meme, "Five Weird Things about Me." The trick to this one, of course, is coming up with things that are weird about me, but that I still want to share with the whole internet. This would be much easier if I blogged pseudonymously. Anyway, here goes:
(1) I'm an utter and complete D&D geek. I run two home campaigns, and play Living Greyhawk at least once a month. Hey, at least I'm not a LARPer.
(2) I'm a wimp about cold weather. I'll gladly go bike riding in 98-degree weather, but when it drops below 60 I wuss out.
(3) I cry at movies. The scene in Two Towers where the battle of Helm's Deep is about to begin, and they hand the teenage kid a battleaxe, and he looks at it with a look of complete fear - every time I watch that, I get all teary.
(4) My wife and I do sleep in the same bed, but we have separate covers. I've got a sheet and quilt on my half of the bed, she has a sheet and quilt on her half, and we put a bedspread on top of that. This is our unorthodox solution to the "stealing covers" problem that plagues so many couples.
(5) I rework the lyrics of popular songs to contain the names of my cats, Panther and Monkey, and I sing to them. Monkey doesn't seem to mind, but Panther hates it when I sing.
We're supposed to tag five other people, but I'll just tag my co-bloggers, Len and Karen.
Brock on 01.09.06 @ 06:30 PM CST