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01/06/2006: Pot. Kettle. Black.
From the Rethugnican Party of Arkansas website: Arkansas Dems. Received Money From Abramoff
Memo to Arkansas Rethugnicans: y'know, your indignation would sound better if you'd return the money y'all got from Abramoff yourselves. But nope, the Arkansas GOP is keeping the money (claiming they spent it all, and apparently can't raise $10,000 to replace it. Riiiiigggggghhhhhhhtttttt).
For these purposes, we'll ignore the important distinction Chris Kromm makes in his post at Facing South:
The Arkansas GOP was the only group in the state to get a direct, personal contribution from Abramoff. But the Arkansas GOP website, for example, attempts to discredit Rep. Blanche Lincoln (D) for taking "2,000 from Abramoff affiliated Indian tribes."I already knew from personal experience that Arkansas Republicans are as stupid as the year is long. Now we can add "hypocritical" to that description, too.
So any contribution from a Native American group that happened to get entangled with Abramoff is suspect?
Len on 01.06.06 @ 12:00 PM CST