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12/29/2005: Thought for the Day:
George, Prince of Wales, Prince Regent: Ah, Dr. Johnson! Damn cold day!
Dr. Samuel Johnson: Indeed it is, sir -- but a very fine one, for I celebrated last night the encyclopaedic implementation of my pre-meditated orchestration of demotic Anglo-Saxon.
George: [nods, grinning, then speaks] Nope -- didn't catch any of that.
Johnson: Well, I simply observed, sir, that I'm felicitous, since, during the course of the penultimate solar sojourn, I terminated my uninterrupted categorisation of the vocabulary of our post-Norman tongue.
George: Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds damn saucy, you lucky thing! I know some fairly liberal-minded girls, but I've never penultimated any of them in a solar sojourn, or, for that matter, been given any Norman tongue!
--Blackadder The Third
Len on 12.29.05 @ 06:16 AM CST