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12/16/2005: Mr. Language Wordsmith would be Proud…
Charles Madigan (Chicago Tribune) has devised a New Political Dictionary for 2006."Kleptublicans": A title that offers a deep bow to felonious acquisition of whatever they can get their hands on. The Kleptublicans would hold their convention in Vegas. Anyone who attended would lose watches, wallets, credit cards, just about anything of any value. Despite this behavior, they would continue to be elected. The proof behind that assumption is that, even without the label, we continue to elect people who are thieves.
"Mendacicrats": (That's men-dass-eye-crats), for their mendacities. They would hold their convention in Washington because where else would you expect it to be held? Mendacicrats would promise the sky on matters like health care and education and deliver nothing, even while claiming they were working hard on health care and education.
"Pragmaticrats": Who would be politicians who announce, "Gawd, I don't know whether this is going to work at all but if it does, I'm going for it." "We got it done!" would be their slogan. We don't have any of these yet.
Karen on 12.16.05 @ 07:12 AM CST