[« Thought for the Day:] [Bottle Puzzlers »]
12/13/2005: The primary law of the universe is Murphy's...
As BSTommy discovers:
On the list of things that bug, irk or otherwise piss me off...
I've got this thing where, if I'm going in to browse, and I'm not looking for anything in particular, I can't walk 28 feet in Best Buy without some goof in a blue shirt stepping into my field of vision and asking if I need help finding something. I mean, I've got blue-shirted goons tripping all over themselves, falling off of bunkers, running from other departments clear across the store to ask me if they can help me find anything.
But when I go in and I'm actually looking to find something, and it's not where logic tells me it should be, and I need help finding it...the blue shirts run! I wandered around to find a blue shirt, and on the couple of occasions that I could find one, they'd turn and scurry the other way.
I think one skittered up a wall to avoid me.
Len on 12.13.05 @ 06:26 AM CST