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12/02/2005: Time to blame Clinton, I suppose....
Randy Neal (the blogger formerly known as South Knox Bubba) over at Facing South takes note of an AP story:
NEW ORLEANS - Government engineers performing sonar tests at the site of a major levee failure confirmed that steel reinforcements barely went more than half as deep as they were supposed to, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official said Wednesday.However, the Corps may not have been entirely candid with us. As SKB notes:
Baumy said the Corps cannot explain the disparity between what its 1993 design documents show was supposed to be there and what they've found.
One surprise is that this is a surprise. NBC News reported back in September:NBC News has obtained what may be a key clue, hidden in long forgotten legal documents. They reveal that when the floodwall on the 17th Street Canal was built a decade ago, there were major construction problems — problems brought to the attention of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers....
So, how can the Corps now say they "can't explain the disparity" when they were told about the problem ten years ago as the floodwall was being built? What's worse, it sounds like the problems boil down to the fact that nobody wanted to spend the money to do the job right.
Len on 12.02.05 @ 06:36 AM CST