Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » November 2005 » Holidays, Shopping and Black Friday...

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11/26/2005: Holidays, Shopping and Black Friday...

YIKES…now I know why I NEV-AHHHHHH shop on the day after Thanksgiving.


More stories about the trail of tears for the *Bargain Hunters* at this link.

About the only things I managed to do was reminiscent of this Friday bird blogging *wink* And some soon to be rendered turkey bonz for a Turkey tortellini soup! YUM!!


But, MY Apologies -- I entirely missed posting on this Hat Tip to our very own Dennis Hastert Corner by none other that GEM of a TeeVee Queen, Oprah:

Oprah's brownies explains is all --

"A plain brown box with a demure auntie-like lady on the cover are foolers.

The lady says "Yum," to offer a clue: Inside is a pound or two of brownies, but not just any brownie.

Oh, no. These are a deep, dark heavy-duty fusion of chocolate and fudge with almost more butter than your heart can stand.

And they are Oprah's favorite brownie. Ever.

On Monday, talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey named Deeply Fudgey Brownies created by Moveable Feast, 321 Franklin St., Geneva, in a list of Oprah's Favorite Things, a regular feature. Moveable Feast often caters for Oprah and its brownies are a dessert.

Within hours of the morning broadcast, a steady stream of Oprah fans began trailing through the catering company to taste and buy, coupled with a stream of calls and e-mails asking for the same.

Owners and chefs Matthew and Kimberly Lennert were fairly giddy with delight. ..."

and click on the "more" button to read more about Oprah's favorite things.


"Oprah Winfrey included Deeply Fudgey Brownies among her Oprah's Favorite Things segment on her Monday show. The brownies are available at Moveable Feast, 321 Franklin St., Geneva, and available for mail-order by calling 1-800-709-5723 or on the Internet at www.moveablefeastgeneva.com.

Oprah's favorite things:

* Philip Stein Teslar Diamond Watch
* Burberry Coat
* Burberry Purse
* UGG & reg; Australia's Uptown Boot
* Garrett Popcorn Shops' CaramelCrisp & reg; and CheeseCornª Tin
* The new Apple iPod
* "The Oprah Sweater" by Ralph Lauren
* Pure Color Cords
* Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker
* BlackBerry 7105Tª from T-Mobile
* Brownies from Moveable Feast, Geneva
* Nike Free 5.0 iD & reg;
* Kashwére & reg; Shawl Collar Robe
* Croissants from Williams-Sonoma
* Hope in a Jar from Philosophy
* "Grace" Basket from Philosophy
* Oatmeal Cookie Dough from Fox & Obel Market
* The Oprah Winfrey Show 20th Anniversary Collection DVD
* Sony VAIO & reg; FJ Notebook

Source: www2.oprah.com

Karen on 11.26.05 @ 08:05 AM CST

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