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11/17/2005: Chain, Chain, Chai-ai-ain...
...Chain of Fools...
Oooooh My - Gonna have to update my chart of Plame-Gate leakers and leaks.
And Hope for yet more Holiday Fitzmas indictments if Fitz can determine anymore "Senior White House Officials" who *forgot* to mention those Teensie-Tiny details of WHAT Reporters they might have passingly referenced Valerie Plames NOC status at the CIA in the weeks BEFORE it appeared in Carrion-Bob's column.
Here is yet another good rundown from the NY Times with a new list of the Major Players (Leakers, Possible-leakers and Reporters-leaked-to, and other Informed-Officials). This fleshes out the latest possible chains to the Flow-Chart of Gushing-Geyser of Leaks from the White House on this one topic.
It's beginning to look like everyone at the White House Higher Eschalons [and their Grandmothers] got the *message* to pass the *Plame gossip* (as if the covert status of a NOC CIA agent's identity is really just more "Fair Game Gossip") to every Tom, Dick and MSM Media Whore available. [And Dan Froomkin (WaPo) has this good piece on the issues and what other bloggers are saying about Woodward's Journalistic *integrity.* HaHaHaHaHa. "Mr. Run Amok!!!" ]
But too bad for Scooter, he's still a LIAR and a TRAITOR, and this new info doesn't exonerate him in the slightest for those prevarications. :-(
Karen on 11.17.05 @ 04:58 AM CST