Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » November 2005 » Swept Under the Carpet...

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11/13/2005: Swept Under the Carpet...

Here is an excellent run down of the latest Plame-Gate issues from Murray Waas.

It also fits my earlier points (and chart) of the possible ways to view the linked-sources and connections and how these relate to the *problems* Fitz is having in accurately determining the sourcing of who provided information to Rove and to Libby about Plame's Covert Status. This *sourcing* has directly inhibited the ability of Fitz to proceed with further charges, frustrating and obstructing the investigation.

Which is EXACTLY as the White House WANTs it to be.

This is just more in the continuing efforts of the White House to shield Cheney and Rove's from accountability and legal liability while using Libby as the Sacrificial Lamb.

We need to White House Clean from the Top-Down to get rid of these Traitors and Disloyal Un-Patriots.

And I was wrong about Bush, by Stephen Elliot, is about as clear and concise a piece on the expectations people had that Child-In-Chief would step up and provide this house-cleaning in his own backyard. But, as IS now clear, CIC has *refused* to do so and is incapable of doing so.

CIC is just trying (in vain) to sweep all the accumulated DIRT of the past few years into a stinking, festering lump beneath the bare-threaded tatters of his administrative carpet. And he thinks NO ONE has noticed this behemoth of a garbage dump building up behind him in the Oval Office.

CIC still thinks he can smile, pound the podium, grimace and swagger his way out from under this putrid pile of refuse he's created and nurtured all along with recycled speeches and failed Pretend-Leadership talk. But no one, except the sychophantic 25%er of GOP supporters, are Buying that Broken-facade anymore. And the midden pile is quickly stinking up the entire Nation.

Karen on 11.13.05 @ 08:33 AM CST

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