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11/09/2005: Meetings, Upgraded Hard Drives and Few Posts
Oh Dear - Me Oh MY:
Time yet again for anther Computer PC malfunction to be taken care and replace the Hard Drive of my Laptop - Upgraded to a 50% increase in Gigabytes.
The old one is hanging by a thread after making all the usual noises of a washing machine that swallowed a load of gravel and is permanently stuck in "SPIN" cycle.
Plus, I have meetings, meetings and MORE meetings for the Fisher Farm Master Association - yers truly as Pres. (OH JOY!) Budgeting tasks and management issues...EVEN better!!!
And Birthday week for another Daughter - actual Birthday and Party yet to celebrate. (More JOY!!)
So, very few posts until I get back to normalacy (or what ever ya call my homelife at Dennis Hastert Corners.) But my In-Bin has got a few GEMs for later.
Glad to see Len and Brock are holding up the three pillars of DBV. *wink*
Karen on 11.09.05 @ 05:02 PM CST