[« Today's GEM Quote...] [And speaking of Frist not being my senator anymore.... »]
11/03/2005: Gem o'the Day:
Jon Stewart, on Sen. Bill "Kitty Killer and Aspiring Securities Fraud Convict" Frist's temper tantrum, occasioned by the closed door Senate session a couple days ago (source: dKos's Cheers and Jeers):
Jon Stewart: Republican leaders gathered outside in the hallway to vent:Frist is such a turd; I'm so glad that soon he's not going to be my Senator any longer.
Bill Frist: About 10 minutes ago or so, the United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership. Once again it shows the Democrats use scare tactics...they have no principles, they have no ideas, they have no convictions...
Stewart [finishing Frist's thought for him]: Our party, on the other hand...I think we're gonna have plenty of convictions. I believe myself, I may have an indictment in my future. But y'know what else this is?
Frist: This is a pure stunt that is being performed by Senator Reid [and] Senator Durbin...
Stewart: Yes! Stunt! Not a `Midnight Schiavo' or `Mission Accomplished' stunt, but it's stunty! It's stunty!
Len on 11.03.05 @ 11:39 AM CST