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11/01/2005: Since Gonzales was *Unacceptable* to THE BASE...
...yet another White Guy with Ultra-Conservative leanings was the only Child-In-Chief "divide and conquer" pick. But Democrats and left-leaning *liberals* are not the only unhappy campers...." The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) expresses its profound disappointment that for the third time in the last six months President George W. Bush has ignored the estimated 41.3 million Americans of Hispanic descent in his choice to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.
[I]n nominating Judge Samuel Alito, the President has missed an opportunity to create a historic legacy by nominating the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court. On June 6, 2005, the HNBA presented the President with a list of eight candidates who are highly qualified to serve on the High Court and among the brightest minds in the legal profession. The President's decision to overlook them is inexplicable.
Courtesy of US News Wire.
Karen on 11.01.05 @ 07:12 AM CST