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10/20/2005: What drugs are you taking, Steve....
and more importantly, where can I get some (after last night, I need a good vacation from reality myself).
This just in from InfoWorld:
Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer believes the company has ironed out all of the security problems in its forthcoming Windows Vista operating system so that users can consider adopting it the first day it is released. For the most part.Seriously--when I read this the coffee squirted right out my nose, I laughed so hard (and do you realize what a PAIN first degree nasal burns are.... hooo, that smarts). Sorry Steve, but WinBlows has become such a bloated nightmare (frequent commenter Bryan, a fellow geek, gets it correct) that really, a completely new, developed from scratch OS is the only answer. The trouble is, Microsoft's track record in this department is so piss-poor that only a complete, brain-dead fucking MORON is going to trust the next WinBlows release from day one.
"Most people will trust it from day one on their home computer, and then they will have to decide about their corporate [PC]. I encourage you to get it early but I must be honest among friends," Ballmer joked Wednesday before an audience of IT professionals and analysts at Gartner Inc.'s Symposium and ITxpo 2005.
As far as I'm concerned, it's still an eternal verity: no Microsoft OS or application is out of beta before the issuance of Service Pack 2 to that OS/app--at a bare minimum.
Len on 10.20.05 @ 08:01 AM CST