Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » October 2005 » If it ain't true, it ought to be....

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10/14/2005: If it ain't true, it ought to be....

and it probably isn't true, because it's just too damn good.... From an email to Josh Marshall:

What do you think of some of the speculation out there that Harry Reid suggested Harriet Miers as an effort to sabotage Bush politically? It makes a lot of sense to me - she's not very formidable, yet Reid knew Bush would like the idea of picking someone who's such a close ally/bootlicker (you pick). It's kinda like this: Say you have a colleague at work you can't stand and you know has terrible judgment. This colleague just bought a bunny suit and keeps telling everyone how he can't WAIT to find some occasion to wear it. So you sidle up to him and encourage him to wear it to the company's annual black-tie banquet. "Hey, buddy, I just want you to be happy. Would I steer you wrong?"
Actually, the reason I think that this resonates with me is the mention of the bunny suit, for that takes me back.

Back when I was working in St. Louis for Quilogy, one of our competitors in the IT consulting field was another local company, G.A. Sullivan. Since I minded my own particular garden (database training for the most part), I wasn't plugged into the grapevine with respect to local business, but I was mildly aware that Greg Sullivan, founder of G.A. Sullivan, had a reputation for being a bit off the wall (a quality that I admire), so much so that he'd been known to wear a bunny suit in the office in order to lighten up the atmosphere when tensions and workloads were running high.

Unfortunately, Sullivan sold his firm to Microsoft and Accenture, and if you go to http://www.gasullivan.com/ you'll find that you in fact reach the website of something called "Avanade" (which is what the firm has now been renamedrebranded). Which is a pity, because my favorite recollection of the old G.A. Sullivan website is that it sported a picture of Greg in his bunny suit (and unfortunately, this is one of the few times that the Google Image Search failed me... *sigh*)

Len on 10.14.05 @ 07:28 AM CST

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