[« Thought for the Day:] [Late to the party again.... »]
10/14/2005: Gem o'the Day, Silly Blog Meme Edition:
Pete at A Perfectly Cromulent Blog got tagged with a blogmeme, and I have to admit that this one came close to having me spraying coffee all over my monitor and keyboard this morning:
Favorite dance song: It isn't actually my favorite, but I think it's hilarious that - no matter what the Country/Western dancing venue- every last redneck in the place will get on the floor for "Baby Got Back." If you haven't seen a couple hundred people in Rocky Mountains and Wranglers jerking spasmodically to Sir Mix-A-Lot, you have led a trite, meaningless existence.I could almost (note, I said almost) drag myself to a C/W dance club just to see that....
A thousand thanks to Pete for not tagging anyone with that one (specifically, for not tagging me with it). I'm so pathetically limited in my musical tastes that out of 37 discrete categories of "favorite [foo] song" I could give an answer to only (at most) 13 of them, and I'd probably have to mull a lot of the categories I could answer for at least 24-48 hours.
Len on 10.14.05 @ 06:53 AM CST