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10/13/2005: But what about MY needs???
Via PZ Myers, here's another Google game: do a search for "[Your first name] needs", and discover what the Internets think you really need.
Here are the results for all three DBVers:
Len needs...
- ...to be decreased anyways.
- ...to find work.
- ...to start a rental program.
- ...somebody who'll call him on stuff like that.
- ...to divide the question between two camps.
Brock needs...
- ...to go back to work.
- ...overtime to tame Mustangs.
- ...some pride in winter sport.
- ...a house with a fenced yard, NO apartments/condos please.
- ...to lose Paul Heyman by any means necessary.
Karen needs...
- ...to grow up!
- ...a lobotomy.
- ...to project from Albers to UTM.
- ...a new job.
- ...to learn the basics of spending and budgeting.
Thank you, and if any of our loyal readers can help us with our Google-determined needs, let us know.
Brock on 10.13.05 @ 08:59 PM CST