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09/28/2005: And the answer is: 'Not long at all.'
The question: "How long will it take before the announcement of Tom DeLay's indictment inspires some poetry by Mad Kane?" (Apologies to Jeopardy!.)
In Mad's case, she uses DeLay's indictment as inspiration for a haiku, as well as reason to revisit a song parody from a while back.
Unusually for Mad, there's no audio feed for this one. However, in compensation, Mad's DeLay indictment haiku has inspired Roxanne of Rox Populi to announce the First Annual Rox Pop "Tom Delay Haiku Slam". Some interesting haikus in the comments; it almost makes me sad that I've never "gotten" haiku, certainly not well enough to actually compose any.
Len on 09.28.05 @ 07:38 PM CST