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09/24/2005: Speaking of those Public Rest Rooms
Ooops: Len Brock forgot to mention that the MAIN Point of the bathroom study is that Men are dirtier than women.
;-)"So scientists confirmed by spying in public restrooms, watching as one-quarter of men left without washing their hands.
Wednesday's results mark the American Society of Microbiology's latest look at how many people take what is considered the single easiest step to staying healthy: spending 20 seconds rubbing with soap under the faucet.
It also explains why these infection experts tend to use paper towels to open bathroom doors. There is no telling what germs the person before you left on the knob..."
But today the NY Times reports A Long Wait for Public Toilets to be built for Public use in NY.
Click on the "more" button to read further.
“It is much too soon to celebrate, but the Bloomberg administration has finally selected a company to install 20 public toilets in New York City. If this seems laughable in a city of 8 million residents plus 40 million tourists a year, having 20 new high-tech public toilets by 2007 would certainly offer an improvement over having zero. And if the users, the city and the neighbors like them, maybe someday there will be enough.
There are a lot of New York City reasons why the city does not already have public toilets in main business areas. Chicago has them, as does Los Angeles and Miami. But in New York City there has been more than a decade of lawsuits, bureaucratic squabbles and tough debates about where toilets should go and how they should operate.
...We should add that the designs, the details of which are not yet available, must appeal to the New Yorkers who will care about the art of these creations almost as much as their function. The city's arts commission will have a say about this part of the picture, and we can only hope it will be a stickler about street furniture that could be a part of the city's streetscape for a very long time.”
And remember to WASH Those HANDS.
Karen on 09.24.05 @ 08:35 AM CST