Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » September 2005 » Kudos to The Pesky Fly....

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09/21/2005: Kudos to The Pesky Fly....

on his redesign of The Flypaper Theory. Though I suppose the kudos should go to Rachel; Pesky says that the redesign was a "surprise gift" from her.

At the top o'the page (at least, when I just visited now) is a reference to an interesting (and scary, if true) story, via one of Pesky's regular commentors, that the noted bastion of journalism The National Enquirer is reporting that President Bush is hitting the bottle again. Of course, the mindless Bush bashers will immediately be screaming, "Consider the source!!!", which in the case of this source is a pretty compelling argument. However, Pesky does point us to Steve Gilliard on that subject:

Let me say this before people start in: the National Enquirer has beaten more libel suits than most major newspapers. Their stuff is vetted by libel lawyers before it hits the stands. In fact, their accuracy is no worse than their MSM peers. Up until the 1970's, they ran alien stories, but then switched to celebrity coverage.

Why do I trust the NE? They pay their sources. So someone close to the WH got a big fat check for this, over $10K. And if they deny this or lie, the NE has a file on them. When dealing with gossip, this is quite effective. Now they may wind up paying the wrong people, but this is what they were told. Come on, if you ran the NE, would you risk a libel suit with your reputation?
Frankly, disregarding the Enquirer entirely, I would not be at all surprised if Bush has fallen off the wagon.

To the best of my knowledge, Bush never was in a 12 step program, or any other program to treat drug or alcohol dependency (he just accepted Jebus as his savior one day, then never needed a drink again, or so he liked to tell the story, IIRC). As someone who has had a couple close family members who wrestled with the demons of drug and alcohol dependency, the fact that Bush has never been through a recovery program scares the living shit out of me. It's bad enough for someone to break dependency on booze or drugs when s/he's working a program, it's a very rare individual that can do so without the support of some kind of program. (Granted, I'm an atheist and therefore I don't think Jebus was god, if he ever existed at all, so giving one's heart to Jebus is most certainly not working a program, and is probably pretty damn worthless, recovery-wise; I'm not allowed to believe in miracles).

Len on 09.21.05 @ 08:33 PM CST

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