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09/19/2005: Mad Kane has another one up...
A limerick, again (Mad's muse seems to be favoring limericks lately): Rebuilder in Chief. As always, getcher audio version here.
In her post, Mad links to a New York Daily News article which indirectly quotes Bush as saying that the Gulf Coast rebuilding will be funded by a combination of deficit spending (no surprise there) and cuts in federal spending (hum? WTF would he start now?). What I find interesting is the seeming breakdown in the GOP's much vaunted "message discipline", since Bush's seeming assertion that federal spending cuts are possible certainly contradicts the recent assertions of his fellow Texan and partner-in-crime Tom DeLay that Federal spending has been cut to the bone:
"My answer to those that want to offset the spending is sure, bring me the offsets, I'll be glad to do it," said House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.). "But nobody has been able to come up with any yet."It'll be interesting to see if the Rovian hammer comes down on "The Hammer" for breaking ranks with the Bush Fantasy Brigade.
Len on 09.19.05 @ 07:43 PM CST