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09/18/2005: Great days in American History (um, maybe):
A very dubious source tells me that today is the 122nd anniversary of the birth of an "Elmer Maytag", inventor of the washing machine.
Unfortunately for this source, every other source I can find on the web gives the name of the inventor of the washing mashine as "F.L." or "Fred L. Maytag", and the only source I can find with anything close to a birthdate for Fred gives it as being 1857, not 1883 as my ever more dubious source says. I'll be taking this matter up with him directly.
Whatever date it is, no doubt Fred's birthday is a high holy day in the thriving metropolis of Newton, Iowa, which is the home of the Maytag Corporation (as well as being the hometown of our pal, Gooseneck).
And no making any jokes. I've actually visited Newton; it's a nice town.
Len on 09.18.05 @ 08:11 AM CST