[« Hey wingnuts, Y'know Bush's 'potty break' picture some of y'all claim is fake?] [Beer Bottle Lust??? »]
09/15/2005: It's True... Those Yapping Lap Dogs...
....are the ones that can BITE.
If ya thought us Liberal Lefties were just some poor deluded whiners, Day Dreaming in Technicolor, about the propensity for Child-in-Chief’s entire bAdmin to dissemble and tell the American People outright lies to avoid taking responsibility for mistakes…
Give a read through this one (via BuzzFlash) and listen to this clip on Media Matters from the Chris Matthews Show of David Brooks (NY Times) discussing what he *Knows* of the White House Policy being to not EVER, ever admit any mistakes, nor take responsibility what so ever- No matter how small the mistake.
Now -- Someone, Please Tell ME why anyone should ever believe ANYTHING from these folks. (Or WHY you still DO??)
Karen on 09.15.05 @ 04:48 PM CST