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09/14/2005: Why I will never vote for Harold Ford, Jr. for any office....
not even dogcatcher.
Seems to me that this is a no-brainer.... It's already been pointed out that many victims of Hurricane Katrina will be adversely affected in their ability to be relieved of their debts through bankruptcy protection, thanks to the draconian bankruptcy "reform" laws passed by the GOP with the help of fellow travellers like Rep. Harold Ford, Jr., my [puking noises here] "representative" in Congress.
Now, CG at Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This informs us:
Go to www.conyersblog.us... for the list of Congressmen that co-sponsored John Conyers Katrina Bankruptcy Relief Bill to protect the victims of Katrina. Congressman Ford, Jr. is not on the list of 31 co sponsors.CG lists some other ways in which, measured by reasonable standards, Ford falls short in his support of what the Democratic party stands for.
Fuck Harold. As I've said before, at this point he's not representing me any better than the (undoubtedly victorious) GOP candidate will. So WTF should I vote for him?
Give me a real choice, dammit! Not a choice between a Republican who doesn't hide the fact he's a Republican, and a Republican who lies to me by telling me he's a Democrat.
Len on 09.14.05 @ 01:12 PM CST