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09/12/2005: Hmmmmm.... and would this work to increase recruitment in the U.S.?
Of course, the thing is that the Navy, according to my best sources, isn't exactly hurting for recruits right now (it's the Army and Marines that have the most trouble, for reasons that a moment's contemplation makes apparent).
But this purports to be an actual recruiting ad for the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (Flash required).
Of course, some sources say that The Village People's "In the Navy" was supposed to be a recruiting song for the U.S. Navy, until someone in the Navy Personnel Command/Bureau of Naval Personnel got a bit spooked by the seeming homoerotic undertones..... Which makes an interesting morning's contemplation (for those of us not looking to leap into work this Monday morning. Which would be more effective a recruitment tool? This Japanese song and dance number, or "In the Navy"?
Len on 09.12.05 @ 06:55 AM CST