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09/05/2005: My personal viewpoint...
Compare the transcripts of these disparate views of the Government response to past week's event in New Orleans: The "talking heads" from Liberals to Conservatives over at PBS, Jim Lehrer’s New Hour versus the opinions from the Head-up-his-arse talking pundit, John Hinderaker over at Powerline.
FUCK YOU, John Hinderaker and your MORON's analysis of it’s "all about the Liberal MSM MEDIA and their coverage" of this National Disgrace. What WOULD it take for you to hold this POTUS and his Wrecking-ball of a Government RESPONSIBLE for ANYTHING?!?!?
I’ve seen some OFF the Wall Shit… but you FUCK HEADs over Powerline take the Cake.
*Whew* - Sorry - I just had to get that off my mind. (And some time I'll Tell you what I REALLY think...)
Karen on 09.05.05 @ 07:16 AM CST