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08/30/2005: It takes balls.....
Via Talking Points Memo, we read that in Kentucky, a grand jury handed down indictments of a number of government officials in a scandal involving possible disregard of Kentucky civil service provisions against firing employees for political reasons.
The governor's action? He issued blanket, unconditional pre-trial pardons to everyone indicted.
Need I mention that the governor is a Republican?
Nah, I didn't think so.
If this one interests you, Josh Marshall refers us to Bluegrass Report for the details (no direct link, because there are a number of posts about this one there; just start scrolling). What interested me is that the Kentucky attorney general's been in contact with the FBI (since the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, which is apparently the focus of the grand jury investigation, receives Federal funding). We may have to keep an eye on this one.
But props to Josh for a hell of a good line about Gov. Fletcher's chutzpah:
I think this is what Republicans call decisive leadership.
Len on 08.30.05 @ 12:07 PM CST