[« Also from Steve Gilliard.....] [Because you were just yearning for this list... »]
08/23/2005: Gem o'the Day, Extended Vacations Bonus Edition:
Bush heads to Idaho for Iraq talk, vacation[emphasis added by Billmon, not me --LRC]BOISE, Idaho -- Officials are concluding preparations for President Bush's arrival today at Gowen Field for his first trip to Idaho, where he'll vacation in rural Valley County and deliver a speech on U.S. wars . . . From Boise, he'll fly north to Donnelly, where he's due to spend two nights at Tamarack Resort, a ski and golf resort that opened in December 2004. (emphasis added)Who else but President AWOL would take a vacation from his vacation?
Damn, who would ever have thought that ducking Cindy Sheehan was such hard work.
Fucking coward.
Len on 08.23.05 @ 08:07 PM CST