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08/21/2005: Because an August Sunday needs some ice cream related stories....
Here's a couple.
- An American expatriate living in Amsterdam has recently launched a replica of a Viking ship made out of 15,000,000 ice cream sticks. If all goes well, he will attempt to sail the replica across the Atlantic.
- And here in Memphis, the driver of an ice cream truck added an "off the menu" treat that probably appealed more to adults and teens than to children: in addition to ice cream, he sold pot from his truck. Surprisingly (given the enthusiasm with which the authorities like to forfeit vehicles used in drug sales), the police are apparently not going to institute forfeiture proceedings against the company that owns the ice cream truck, on the grounds that they were unaware of their employee's little "side business".
Len on 08.21.05 @ 10:40 AM CST