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08/18/2005: The "interesting times" may be starting soon...
if Seymore Hersh is even half right in his prognostications (QuickTime required) on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, it's going to be a wild ride for the next few years. His main revelations: intelligence in Iraq indicates that the insurgency may be planning "a Tet offensive", complete with "a battle for Baghdad", and oil shocks may be on the horizon, since recently ascended Saudi King Abdullah has never approved of U.S. policy towards the intifada, and may be set to cut oil shipments to the U.S. for that reason, while Venezuela (whose president, Hugo Chavez, isn't exactly a huge fan of the U.S. and President Bush (who has been reported as having attempted several covert ops to get Chavez turned out of office and replace him with a more U.S. friendly president)) and Iran (still, last we looked, considered a member of "the axis of evil") are apparently engaged in talks....
It'll be interesting to see how much comes to pass.
Len on 08.18.05 @ 09:10 AM CST