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08/17/2005: Good news, bad news....
The good news: Bush's approval, already in the toilet and swirling clockwise, seems to be headed down to the septic tank. Survey USA has released the results of its poll of Bush's approval ratings in each of the 50 states, and the results make it clear that most of the country is seriously dissatisfied with Dear Leader. In only 9 states--Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Texas, Alabama, North Dakota, Montana, and Oklahoma--is Bush's approval rating at or above 50%. In one state--Mississippi--a plurality (but not a majority) of voters approve of Bush, and in two more states as many respondents approve of Bush as disapprove--Louisiana at 48%-48%, and North Carolina at 47%-47%. In the remaining 38 states more respondents registered disapproval for Bush. Overall, weighting the results for state population, Bush loses the approval poll, 41%-55%, and taking a mere unweighted average Bush still loses, 43%-53%.
As noted by Kos:
Bush is at or above 50 percent in only nine states. He's at 40 or below in 19 states.The dark cloud to that silver lining is that the "opposition" party in the 2006 elections is the Democratic Party. And if the performance of the Democratic Party since 2000 is any indication, the party is, even as we speak, trying to solve the problem of how to remove that lead weight from the GOP ticket and lose yet another election.
The man will be a lead weight on the GOP ticket in 2006.
I'm not optimistic.
Len on 08.17.05 @ 12:54 PM CST