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08/14/2005: Sugarcoating the Reagan legacy.....
Polar Donkey, putting paid to the interpretation that Reagan was "hard as nails" in the face of terror attacks like the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing:
One statement which particularly caught my eye was the one about "Reagan..being hard as nails." Please. When I was kid, I lived in Jacksonville, NC, home of Camp Lejune Marine Corps base. I was having my tenth birthday on Oct 23, 1983. That morning news came out that 248 marines were killed when their barracks in Beirut was blown up. A couple of kids couldn't come to my birthday party because their dads were in Beirut. (One of the kids' dad was killed.) Was Reagan hard as nails about staying in Beirut. Hell no. the first thing he did was invade Grenada 5 days later to look like war president. (Three aircraft carriers and a few thousand men to knock over a fruit stand.) Then he packed up all those marines in Beirut and left. After they all got out, the USS New Jersey shelled the hills above the city. Then we contracted the Saudi's to put a hit on a radical leader in Beirut. The Saudi's got the guy but it took a car bomb in front of a mosque, killing bunches of innocent people and wounds dozens more, to do it. So not only did Reagan look weak, he ham handly lashed out killing innocent people.
Len on 08.14.05 @ 02:50 PM CST