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08/11/2005: Unintelligent Design
Over at Lean Left, tgirsch unearths some data about the major proponents of Intelligent Design that pretty well says it all:
Over in this Sisyphean debate about Intelligent Design, commenter dopderbeck pointed me to the Discovery Institute’s website. You may recognize the DI as the primary proponents of ID.
But have a look at the list of DI fellows. There are 38 fellows listed, and they have biographical information on 32 of them. The list is dominated by politicos, PR people, and lawyers. Suprisingly, even to a cynic like me, there’s not a single biologist on the list.
When you want to learn more about the tax code, would you talk to accountants and lawyers, or to auto mechanics and psychologists? If you have any sense at all, you’d favor the accountants and lawyers.
So what if you want to learn about the history of life on this planet? Do you talk to biologists, anthropologists, and archaeologists? Or do you talk to lawyers, economists, politicos and PR wonks?
The main organization pushing ID would have you do the latter.
Len on 08.11.05 @ 06:55 AM CST