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08/07/2005: WTF...
Oh, Wiskey Bar does IT again. [And I just can't resist Terrible Clever and Brilliantly FUNNIE Stuff. "Oh, don't ask why. Oh, don't ask why..."]
So give a full read to Radio Daze, which has this opening:President's Radio Address; Crawford, Texas:
"THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Like me, many across this great land are taking lengthy vacations this month, to escape the roasting hot weather made possible by my bold policy of global climate enhancement. However, it has been brought to my attention that a relatively small number of families are not enjoying the summer nearly as much as I am, because their fathers, mothers, brothers, sons and/or daughters have been wounded and/or killed in the War of Heroic Action against Terrorism for the Future of a United Christian Kulture -- or, as my NSC counterterrorism experts sometimes call it: WHATtheFUCK?"
Bilmon yer ON FIRE and Hitting on all Cynlinders!!!
Karen on 08.07.05 @ 08:07 AM CST