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07/27/2005: Why do we have to support our troops like this?
Steve Gilliard shows us an email his friend Jen received at work:
Hi! All, Today I come to you with a heavy heart to tell you that my nephew, Major Peter S. - US Army, is in Iraq and has been there for over two months. I promised to send to him and his buddies the following items that they need and cannot afford to purchase in Iraq.It's bad enough that our troops can't get such necessities, but the reason they can't just about knocked me over:
Shaving Cream, Disposable Razors, Handkerchiefs, Q-tips, Visine, Benadryl, Rolaids, Caladryl, Bug Spray, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Mouthwash, Suntan Lotion, Gum, Bandaids, Bengay, Chapstick, Dental Floss, Breath Mints, Soap, Shampoo, and Conditioner
Anything that you can give to help my nephew and his fellow soldiers will be greatly appreciated. I have a box in front of my cubicle, Location: xxxxx where you can put in any of the above items. Thank you for your support and please keep my nephew Peter and all are armed service men and women in your prayers. Best Regards, [emphasis in original --LRC]
JenWell, I'm not surprised when I hear
Now, I interact with this woman a lot, and my first question was why does he not get any of these things either for free or subsidized at the comissary? Her answer shocked me:
"He's apparently in a private unit near someone high-up, and they are near a huge contractor area. The contractors get paid so much money that the local stores have jacked up the prices on everyday items to insane levels. He can't afford stuff that he could get in the dollar store back home--mouthwash, tissue packs, razors, you name it--it's all a fortune now for him."
Remember, during the Gold Rush, fresh eggs sold for a dollar apiece ($23 in 2003).
Letting our military get gouged is just disgraceful. Letting others profiteer off of them WHILE THEY ARE THERE is even more disgusting. The fact that they suffer like this guarding contractors who make ten times what they do is just the fecal icing on the shit cake. He can't get a fucking TOOTHBRUSH? That's insane. [emphasis in original --LRC]
I'm surprised the troops don't just blow their heads off. Were I sitting on the jury hearing that case, I know I'd never vote to convict them.
Len on 07.27.05 @ 12:46 PM CST