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07/27/2005: Attack 'o' Life and Attacks of Paper Wasps...
Lest you all think I’ve just been being a typical summer slacker -- I’ve been having Attacks 'o' Life™ around here.
Had loads of catching up to do after my Summer Cold and finally (Finally) got rid of the garage full of office furniture moved to the new office space. But that meant I had to do my Spring Cleaning in July. On the upside of all this work is that I get to put my car back into its spot in the nice organized garage.
However, we (read husband) have “lost” the fittings and screws to reassemble the furniture. And now we (read ME) have to find them – even tho’ I’ve never seen them and wasn't here when the furniture was moved in – It’s, of course, ALL MY FAULT they are Missing!! I keep "looking for them" and maybe magically they will reappear from somewhere...Bleh!!!
But then, complete one task and yet another is on hand. The Attack of the Paper Wasps:
We have a small wooden deck that is most attractive to Paper Wasps and they have built numerous nests. But they are nasty little beasties and my daughter got stung this weekend. So, time to take care of the Paper Wasps and Destroy their nesting places. (And not get Stung myself. OUCH!)
There were 7-8 fairly large nests and more being built. So, Me against the Attack of the Paper Wasps…yet another summer screenplay in the making. LOL
But then, (and not because it’s less significant… but more this is the chronology of events) was the news that my Nephew, Ross, was in a serious (near fatal) car accident.
He is in a burn unit in a Houston hospital after being thrown out of the SUV in a roll-over car accident and then having the vehicle land on top of him, severely burning him with the car exhaust pipes. This was part of the e-mail update:
He is going to be in the hospital for at least 10 days. He has a fractured hip injured pelvic joint that will heal without surgery but requires no load on his legs for 2-3 months---i.e., wheelchair once he can move. He has staples in his head where he was cut, a big gash in his hip, scrapes all over. Plus, a couple of deep burns from the exhaust pipes as he ended up under the truck after being ejected.
He is in the burn unit at the hospital now as he is going to have skin graft surgery on his legs on Thursday. The good news is that he did not suffer any brain damage, but the bad news is that he recalls the horror of the incident in extreme detail and knows how close he came to death.
Apparently he was a passenger with two other friends, and they were exiting the highway. He’d unbuckled his belt to reach in the back seat for something, when the SUV (those top-heavy vehicles) hit the soft shoulder on the ramp and did a vehicle roll-over. He was thrown out the window and the vehicle rolled over his lower half and then ended up on top of his-waist and legs resulting in his further burn injuries.
Yikes!!! This has been a horrible event and we are hoping and wishing him a good recovery from this accident. [Once, many years ago, I had second degree burns on my leg and it was terribly painful, so I can imagine this is one of the worst parts. And skin grafts for burns sounds even more painful.]
So, I’ll be posting yet again, once I get caught up to things around here and things settle back down.
Karen on 07.27.05 @ 08:35 AM CST