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07/24/2005: Baby Sitting Blues...
Must have missed this hoopla a week or so ago…but Amanda Craig (London Times) has captured the Funnie (or angst nightmare) of that ever elusive search for the “proper child care” attendant:”… The revelations by Daisy Wright, the former nanny to the film star Jude Law, that she had fallen into bed with her employer is a drearily familiar tale. Even worse is a story about a mother who found her nanny was keeping a blog on her erotic fantasies about other women and her employers’ private lives.
Helaine Olen reveals in The New York Times how she was blithely informed of this by Tessy, a 26-year-old former teacher who worked for her for five months. “The more she posted, the more life in our household deteriorated,” she writes. It was only when Tessy wrote that she’d have herself sterilised and blogged rows between Olen and her husband that she finally got the sack.
As one who sacked 13 nannies in the first three years of my children’s lives, I find myself torn between exasperation and sympathy….”
And Glad I am to be done and DONE with that phase of child rearing and a Bleh!! on finding Baby Sitters– but those are stories for another day. LOL
Karen on 07.24.05 @ 06:46 AM CST