[« Hot damn!!! Success!!!] [Apropos of Karen's followup on James "Scotty" Doohan.... »]
07/21/2005: A fitting memorial…
As a follow up to Len’s post about the death of James “Scotty” Doohan (1920-2005) is this tid-bit about his wishes:
Doohan inspired the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty," although Capt. Kirk never issued that order until the fourth movie. He told his family he wanted his ashes blasted into space, Stevens said. Houston-based Space Services Inc., which specializes in space memorials, said it would send Doohan's remains, along with those of 125 others, aboard a rocket later this year.
Courtesy of The Chicago Tribune:(AP story by Bob Thomas).
Karen on 07.21.05 @ 11:15 AM CST