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07/17/2005: Inspired....
Over at Bush Watch, they apparently run a feature called "Garlic", which is their parody of The Onion's "What Do You Think?" parody of the "ask the man in the street" columns run by some newspapers (see here for a sample). Of course, for those of you paying close attention, that makes "Garlic" a parody of a parody, which is getting a bit too metaphysical for a Sunday morning before I've had my cup of coffee, but I'll leave that go for now.
This week, "Garlic" addresses the Karl Rove issue:
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT KARL ROVE'S LEAKS?Follow the link to see the whole thing; it's a blast.
New York Times pundit Paul Krugman recently wrote, "As part of the effort to discredit Joseph Wilson IV [who questioned certain Bush comments about Iraq's alleged WMDs], Mr. Rove leaked the fact that Mr. Wilson's wife worked for the C.I.A. I don't know whether Mr. Rove can be convicted of a crime, but there's no question that he damaged national security for partisan advantage. If a Democrat had done that, Republicans would call it treason." What do you think?"This problem stems from the Bush Administration's refusal to document interviews with journalists. Isn't it about time we outlaw documents?"
Darleen Edwards, LibrarianAttacks on someone who contradicts the official line don't have to be true, or even plausible, to undermine that person's effectiveness. All they have to do is get a lot of media play, and they'll create the sense that there must be something wrong with the guy. In short, stop persecuting Mr. Rove.
Ted Daniels, Office Manager
Len on 07.17.05 @ 08:39 AM CST