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07/15/2005: Techo-Office...
And The Final Install of my Marathon of Techie-Headaches is now Complete.
This whirl wind of Techie-Woes which began last week went through every computer in my overly populated office of PC’s. I’ve had two PC's to completely Format C:/ and wiped clean the entire hard drive of these machines (and not for the first time either). For that fresh Start- And then the reinstall and Upgrade operating Software from the Hated Windows 98 to Windows XP. Yippee!!
But, Drat, the old Work Horse of a HP OfficeJet T45, she no longer worked on XP (no matter what they offer as a compatible new set of drivers on-line). So, a new NetGear Router (with Kool Firewall and Protection options) and a new HP OfficeJet 7120 printer/scanner/fax/photo machine… and HOURS/DAYS later: I’m Good to GO!!!
Now I have a fully functional work space for the use and entertainment of the entire family.
*Whew* - It’s been a long (and expensive) week for this Techno-Dweeb and quite a mental Techno-Workout!!! LOL
And back to my Bloggerie Desires...once more Battling the Vicious Attack Internets on my Net Surfing Highway of Life. :-)
Karen on 07.15.05 @ 08:14 AM CST