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07/10/2005: Hoarders
Cleaning off my pantry shelf, I uncovered a carefully hidden item in what can only be described as an act of “hoarding” by one of my children. (One child a more likely suspect than the others.)
Does every family have a “hoarder?” That child who thinks or feels that they will never get their fair share of goodies unless they secret them away? Or simply wish to be assured of their own special desires to be satisfied by this ill-gotten booty?
And it reminds me of my own family (there were six of us kids.) There was, of course, a hoarder too.
My older sister, Lynn was the culprit. She would take upon her self to pre-select a certain amount of items as her “share” and hide them in obscure places. Then, naturally, she would freely partake of the general hoard until that was decimated. Whereupon she would revert to her “saved goodies” on the professed theory that these were her “fair share” and she hadn’t had enough (or any – to hear her tell it) of the other goods…but had prudently squirreled hers away for that golden moment of enjoyment.
But seeing as this current bout of hoarding was an entire bottle of pancake syrup (presumably “Mrs. Butterworth’s™ – bought on sale – being deemed a better quality than Aunt Jemima’s™ Ole Standby Syrup) seems to be going a “Bit Far” in the usual hoarding efforts - like saving a package of Little-Bites ™ or the occasional Fruit Roll-Up ™ for later.
So, time for true confessions – any of you “guilty” of this high crime and misdemeanor of household sharing? The Equitable Rules of “all for one, and one for all?”
Who’s was a hoarder? And WHY?
Karen on 07.10.05 @ 09:58 AM CST